fredag 17 juni 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 12

In the last chapter Chris surprised Justin and Blair and they are touring together, Justin and Blair are
having an affair and Chris doesn't have a clue..

(Next day)

Blair- Chris wake up sleepy head were meeting the other downstairs at the restaurant to eat breakfeast in 15 min.
Chris- *yawns* okay I'm taking a shower
Blair- I'm already done!
Chris- *rubs his eyes then looks at Blair* when did you wake up? *laughs*
Blair- *laughs* just hurry up
Chris- okay *goes in the shower*

------------10 min later----------------
*Chris and Blair goes to the restaurant holding hands*

Blair's outfit:

Justin's POV:
we were siting in the cafe waiting for Blair and Chris.. Now they were coming, holding hands.
I don't know why I felt jealous but I knew she was mine too but we couldn't date cuz she's with Chris.
Yesterday was the BEST.

(At the table)
Blair and Chris sit down* (Blair sits across Justin and beside Chris)
Blair- hi
Everyone- hey!
Justin- *moves his foot to her*
Blair- *jumps, so the coffee spills* Oh I'm so sorry let me ge-
Pattie- honey it's fine we just call the waiter *smiles*
Justin- *laughs*
Blair- It's NOT funny *starts laughing*
*everyone burst out laughing*

Blair's POV:
well that was embarrassing but Justin moved his foot to mine and I didn't want anyone to notice so.. 

Now everyone is at the stage and Chris is working on his dance and singing on stage.

Pattie- Justin can you and Blair go and make coffee and bring some cake to everyone?
Justin- sure give us at least 10 min
Pattie- 20 and that's it *whispers: I know you like Blair but she's dating Chris"*
Justin-whatever, Blair?
Blair- yeah? *smiles*
Justin- you need to help me bring cake and coffee for the dancers and everyone
Blair- okay sure *smiles*

Justin's POV:
Finally some privacy! the hole morning I've been seeing Blair and Chris cuddling, kissing, hugging and been all lovey.

(In the backstage room)
Justin- *locks the door*
Blair- so wheres the coffee?
Justin- Blair
Blair- yes? *turns around and looks in Justin's eyes*
Justin- *looks in her eyes than grabs her waist and leans in* you know you have beautiful eyes..
Blair- oh shut up *leans in*
Justin- *kisses her* 
*making out on the couch Blair's under and Justin ontop*
Justin- *pulls away slowly* we have to get the coffee and the cake
Blair- okay let's go!
Blair- *runs out to the stage and jumps on Chris*
Chris- hey babe *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back*
Justin- *coughs* I'm sorry to interrupt but were having cake
Chris- sorry *looks at Blair, than laughs*
Blair- *laughs* Justin?
Justin- yes? *smiles*
Blair- can I talk to you for a second?
Justin- sure
Chris- I'll go ahead *walks to the others*
Justin- so?
Blair- Justin,I know it's hard to watch me with Chris but-
Justin- Blair It's fine but I still love you...
Blair- Justin I..
Justin- It's cool you don't have to say it *looks down*
Blair- Justin I love you
Justin- really?!
Blair- yes! *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back*
*camera flash*

Blair's POV:
Justin told me he loved me once again and this time I said it back. When we kissed a camera flash went of and we saw a paparazzi.. Omg this couldn't happen Chris was gonna find out and everyone is gonna think I'm a slut

Justin- *pulls away* NO what are you doing?!
paparazzi- taking pictures of you and your girlfriend *takes a picture*
paparazzi- *walks out*
Blair- Justin I'm dead!
Justin- no don't say tha-
Chris- what happen?!
Blair- a paparazzi came inside
Chris- damn it we need to get more security
Justin- we have but their having lunch break *smiles*
Chris- what were taking u so long anyways?
Blair- we just talked, now I want some cake!

*they eat cake and Blair is at the hotel room alone*
Blair's POV:
I went to my bedroom that I was sharing with Chris and started packing my stuff by tomorrow the pictures would be everywhere. And I can't stand the look on Justin and Chris face so I decided to pack and tomorrow morning when no one were up I was gonna leave and Never speak to them again including Justin.. It was for the best.
When I was done packing I choose clothes for tomorrow so I could leave faster and changed to my pajamas then I went to Justin's room and knocked..

Justin- *opens it* hey..
Blair- um can I come in? *looks down*
Justin- sure *smiles*
Blair- *sits on his bed* Justin you mean the world to me but-

Justin's POV:
I cut her of with a kiss, first she wanted to pull away but she just went with it I loved her I could never hurt her.

Justin- *pulls away slowly* Blair stop talking there is always a problem stop worrying *smiles*
Blair- I can't, I need to go but I just wanted to hug and kiss you
Justin- anytime babe *hugs her than kisses her*
Blair- *laughs, and then a tear comes down her cheek*
Justin- why are you crying did I do something wrong? *smiles*
Blair- no no no I need to go *kisses him*
Justin- *holds her and kisses back*
Blair- *tears comes down her cheek, kisses back*
Justin- *pulls away* everything is gonna be okay *smiles*
Blair- *kisses his cheek and get's up* good bye Justin *leaves*

(In the Bed with Blair and Chris)

Chris- tomorrow were going to the beach *smiles big*
Blair- um.. yea...... thats gonna be fun *fake smiles*
Chris- babe whats wrong? *looks at her*
Blair- *starts crying* look nothing Chris I'm sorry for everything I'm not worth any of this!
Chris- no no dont say that your worth this and more, why are you sorry?
Blair- tomorrow you'll know *kisses him*
Chris- *kisses back passionate* now just go to sleep and everything will be fine in the morning 

Blair's POV:
I went to sleep I were going to miss both of them but it's the best if I just leave everything besides me so I don't hurt anyone more than I'm gonna do tomorrow.


I woke up at 5 in the morning as quietly as possible changed clothes, did my makeup, brush my teeth and then I placed a note at the night table. I kissed Chris cheek, took my bags and left to the taxi that was waiting for me outside the hotel.

Blair's outfit:

( In the Taxi)

Taxi chauffeur- were to?
Blair- the airport
---- 20 min later----
Taxi chauffeur- were here, are you paying with card or cash?
Blair- cash *hands him the money than leaves*

I went in the airport and checked my flight to LA.. I thought it be nice with a change I was lucky to be rich I don't know what I would do if I weren't.
Before I got on the plane I bought a magazine so I could read something on the plane, then I got on the plane.

(With the other ones on the hotel)

Chris's POV:
I woke up.. alone. Where was Blair? I looked over and saw a note from her?
What was it?..
It stood:
Chris I'm so sorry I left, I'm probably on the airplane to another city. I hope we never met so I wouldn't have to break your heart but you'll forget me and find other girls that will make you happy.
Tell Justin I'll miss him.. ALOT. Please don't try to find me It's better like that, again I'm sorry for what your going to see and don't get mad at Justin.. It's my fault. 
I love all of you!
// Blair

I started crying.. WHAT was wrong with her, how could she leave me. I love her more than I've ever loved a girl. And what have she and Justin done that was such a big deal?! I checked the clock and it said 10.35 woah. SHIT I need to meet the others!
When I walked to the breakfeast table I saw Justin with red puffy eyes. Had he cried?

Chris- Justin what's wrong? *smiles*
Justin- Blair.. she left
Chris- *teard eye* I know, did she left a note to you too?
Justin- yea *looks down* Chris I'm so sorry it was my fault
Pattie- guys I know she left but she'll come back *smiles*
Chris- No she wont she told me to not look after her but I have to I..
Justin- you?
Chris- I love her..

Justin's POV:
When I woke up I saw a note from Blair (it said the same thing as Chris note only she wrote it to Justin and his name)
When we were sitting at the restaurant I saw Chris with red eyes too I guess he got a note too and cried.
How can she leave us.. how can she leave ME?!

Blair's POV:
When I landed in LA my friend was waiting for me or should I say roommate? I was going to live with Jasmine and yes Jasmine Villegas. She's one of my best friends besides me only having famous friends well most of them are, and Jasmine was a real friend. She was like a sister to me, we had a lot in common like both of us are 18, we like the same kind of music, guys and both of us had dated Justin Bieber.  Jasmine is over Justin now and is dating Jinsu he's really nice he's gonna be living with us but I'm gonna make sure I don't get feelings for him cuz I would never ruin something for Jasmine.

Jasmine- BLAIR! *hugs her* I've missed you!
Blair- *hugs back* I've missed you more Jas, Jinsu! *hugs him*
Jinsu- Blair it's gonna be fun you living with us *smiles*
Blair- yeah can't wait, guys thank you for letting me stay with you *smiles*
Jasmine- anytime honey, you HAVE to tell me everything about the hole Chris and Justin thing!
Jinsu- yes I saw the pictures of you kissing Justin it's everywhere
Blair- I knew it! but it's alright I'll get over it *looks down*
Jasmine- aww *hugs her* I'll find you a nice guy that ISN'T famous *laughs*
Blair- *laughs* I wanna be single for a while but nice to know I have you *smiles*
Jinsu- let's get going home *takes her bags*

oohh what is Chris gonna say when he finds out about Blair and Justin?
will Justin go after her and look for her? you'll find out in chapter 13 .