tisdag 19 april 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 1

Alright so i'm starting with the writing right now. The story is called Don't make me love you.
The main characters are : Justin Bieber, Ryan Butler, Chaz Somers, Brian Stanford. Now on to the girls : Blair Hamilton (looks like Nina Dobrev), Kate Jefferson, Jessica Alm, Allie Sam. Ok on to the story.

Blair's POV:
I woke up by Kate who called me.

On the phone*

Kate- Where are you?
Blair- in bed why?
Kate- Omg WHAT?! we start in 20 min.
Blair- OHH i'm gonna be late i forgot, I need to hurry see ya soon bye.
Kate- Bye!

Blair's POV:
I throw on a quick but still ''good looking'' outfit. 

Blair's outfit:


I fixed my makeup took my phone and ran to my car. Having rich parents was of course a saving, but I never changed in to someone else because the money, sometimes I could be a bitch...
When I got to school it was still 5 min left, I was so quick?
I saw Kate from the car, I opened the car window and yelled her name. She jumped in the car and i drove to the parking.

Kate- you made it so quick and you look AMAZING!
Blair- well thank you, you don't look bad yourself.
Kate- haha thank you, do you know who is starting in our school!?

Blair- no who?
Kate- Justin FREAKING Bieber!!
Blair- you know, I DON'T CARE
Kate- whatever

We got out the car and starting walking in. When we got in everyone turned and looked at us, the football guys checked us out and whistled.
Kate- oh I think we have some hotties in our school that we need to take care of
Blair- haha what? it's our first day Katie and don't forget the cheer leading after school.

We went to our lockers and grabbed the history books and sat down in our classroom.

Teacher- Hi everyone, today were not going to have class just some talking a-
The door slammed up and..
Justin- Oh sorry I'm late.
Girls started screaming besides me, I didn't get the flu ''Bieber Fever''.

He stared at me and sat next to me.
Justin- Hey I'm Justin
Blair- Do I know you? * I sounded bitchy

Justin's POV:
She was soo HOOT I just keept starring at her.

Justin- You don't know who I am?
I asked chocked

Blair- Well your Justin Bieber right?

Justin- yeah and you baby?

Blair- I'm Blair

Justin- Nice meeting you, can I have your number?
Blair- no sorry

Kate- Hi I'm Kate

Justin- I'm Justin nice meeting you

Justin's POV:

She didn't wan't my number?! Every girl would kill for it, I just keept starring up and down at her she was perfect.

Kate was cute but Blair WOW.

Teacher- shhhh back there, ok I'm going to let you go now.

(At lunch)

Kate- mm pizza *takes three big slices*

Blair- Kate ew *takes one big slice*

Kate- what I'm hungry and I love pizza

Blair- I was kidding honey
*Kate and Blair sits down with Jessica and Allie*

Jessica- Hey I'm having a party tonight you wanna come? there will be cute boys.. *laughs a little*

Blair- well why not *smiles*

Kate- Alright but Jess can I sleep at your house then? 
Jessica- Shore, can't everyone sleep over? my parents will not be home in two weeks so... *looks at Blair and Allie*

Allie- Ok, I'm fine with it

Blair- I guess I can.

*At cheer leading practice*

Cheer leading outfits:
 *Blair only one with the piercing*


Kate- isn't that Justin, Chaz and Ryan watching

Blair- i think so let's go and invite them to the party

*Blair and Kate going over*

Justin- Blair and Kate is coming

Ryan- Omg do I look okey?

Justin and Chaz *gives a what a f**k face*

Ryan-What they are HOT!

Chaz- shhh, hello my ladies

Blair- Hey Chaz *gives him a hug and kiss on cheek*   *Chaz chocked and happy*

Blair- *gives Ryan a kiss on cheek then looks at Justin who is waiting*

Justin's POV:

She really kissed them...

Kate- *gives hugs to Chaz, Ryan and Justin.

Blair- Oh Justin how are you? *gives him a kiss on lips*

Justin- *chocked* you kissed me on my lips babe?

Blair- um yeah that's how I say hi *smiles*

Kate- whatever, do you guys want to come on the party tonight?

Ryan and Chaz : YES!
Kate- but don't forget swimsuits and it's at Jessica's house 

Justin: Blair your coming?

Blair- yea why?

Justin- so I can see you in bikini honey
Blair- shut up

Ryan- well I don't have your phone numbers
Kate- *Gives her phone number to Ryan and Justin*
Blair- *looks at Chaz* then gives her number to him.

*Blair and Kate walks back*

Chaz- I have Blair Hamilton's number, I'm taking her tonight!!

Justin- no I like her and she kissed me on the lips

Ryan- guys she has a boyfriend you know..

Justin- WHO?

Ryan- Brian
*they look over*

Kate-you know you have a boyfriend

Blair- I know

Kate - then why did you kiss Justin on the lips

Blair- cuz i say hi like that and it's not like I made out with him

*Brian goes to Blair and Kate*

Brian- Hey baby I missed you soo much *hugs her*
Blair- I missed you too
Brian- your coming to the party at Jessica's tonight?

Blair- yeah can you pick me up?

Brian- Shore, around eight?
Blair- perfect *kisses him*
Brian- *deepens it*

His friends are sitting with Justin, Chaz and ryan. * everyone sees them kissing*
they whistle*
*Justin looks sad*

Kate- you know I'm still here
Blair- *pulls away* sorry honey
Brian- see you later *hugs Kate and Blair*

*Brian goes over to the guys*

Justin- you two dating?
Brian- yes I'm lucky right? *smiles*
Justin- yeah she's gorgeous *smiles*
Brian- Right, I need to go see you at the party tonight *Brian and his friends leaves*

Ryan- Justin do you like Blair?
Justin- haha no why?
Ryan- we saw the way you felt when they made out
Chaz- It's okay bro you'll get her at the party
Justin- *gets an idea* *smiles*

Blair- I'll call you an hour before the party starts so we can get ready together okay?
Kate- I waited for you to ask me *both laughs*

( At Blair's house) 

Blair- *opens the door*
Kate- hi *they hug*
Blair- come in we need to get ready

Blair's outfit (the one on the right) :
Kate's outfit is the on the left.

Blair- you look amazing
Kate- Blair don't say anything you look stunning
Blair- thank you *hugs her*
Kate- you have your pajamas with you?
Blair- of courseee, now let's go should I take the car?
Kate- yeah I don't feel like walking in a dress
Blair- WAIT, I forgot Brian is driving me
Kate- what should I do?
Blair- don't be stupid your coming with me *smiles*

Brian- hey girls hurry up the party have started
Blair- hey my love *kisses him*
Kate- Hey *hugs Brian*

*arrives to Jessica's party*
Brian- well I'm going to the guys are you coming?
Blair- yeah I'm just going to say that I'm here
Brian- okay

*Blair and Kate goes inside where Jessica and Allie is*
Jessica- Hey girls *hugs them* you can put your bags in my room with Allies.
Allie- do you have swimsuits with you? and also let me say I LOVE your dress Blair!
Blair- Yeah already on, and thank you honey!
Kate- Is there any cute boys here? *smiles*
*Blair, Jessica and Allie laughing*
Jessica- yeah mostly every guy here
Kate- YES! *big smile*
Blair- I'm going to Brian see ya
*Blair leaves*

Brian- *screams her name* HERE!
Blair- oh *goes over* Hey whats up?
Brian- want you to meet some of my buddies
??*- hey I'm Zac
Blair- nice meeting you
Zac- you look amazing
Blair- thank you
Brian- ey this is my girlfriend *hits him* (not hard)
Zac- *laughs*
Blair- I'm going to jump in the pool bye

Blair goes to Jessica*
Blair- hey wanna jump in the pool?
Jessica- shore
*Blair and Jessica goes to the pool*
Justin- Blair!
*Blair turns around*
Blair- hey Justin *hugs him*
Justin- you look really hot
Blair- thank you?
Jessica- Justin can I have you autograph?
Justin- Shore *writes it on a piece of picture* here you go
Jessica- thank you
Blair *unzips her dress and and takes of her shoes* (wearing bikini)

Ok, that was chapter 1 I'll upload chapter 2 tomorrow if I have time tell me if you like it! :D

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