onsdag 20 april 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 2

The last chapter they were at Jessica's party....

Jessica- *jumps in pool*
Justin- Blair can we talk about something?
Blair- shore what is it?
Justin- *grabs her and jumps in the pool*
Blair- *screaming and laughing*
Justin- *laughing*
Blair- why did you do that? *still laughing a little*
Justin- *looks at her*

 Blair's POV:
well this was awkward, I think he started to like me. His eyes were beautiful, oh no.
this is how everything starts I love Brian, or do I?

Blair- Justin can we go Inside and talk?
Justin- Shore baby

*they go inside and sits on couch*
Blair- what do you think of me?
Justin- haha what?
Blair- tell me

Justin's POV:
What was I supposed to say, she has a boyfriend but I really liked her.

Justin- I think your hot, and nice
Blair- I figured out that, but do you like me?
Justin- maybe a little

thinking* did I just say that*

Blair's POV:
I didn't know what to do so..

Blair kissing Justin*

Justin- wow
Blair- I'm sorry
Justin- no why?
Blair- I can't do this Brian
Justin- but..
*Blair kisses him on his cheek than leaves*

Jessica- where did you go?
Blair- I just talked to Justin inside
Jessica- Blair do you like him?
Blair- No I have a boyfriend you know
Jessica- yeah just checking, the party ends in like half an hour let's put on our clothes and dance?
Blair- Yes, let's enjoy the last time *smiles*

( At the dance floor)
*Justin looks at her*
Blair- wait *goes to Justin*
Blair- Justin wanna dance?
Justin- Yeah!
Brian- mind if I borrow her *smiles*
Justin- no problem *looks at her*
Blair- wait can I get your number?
Justin *gives her his number*
Blair- thanks *dances with Brian
The girls in Jessica's bedroom*

Allie- omg this was the best night in my life, I'm met this gorgeous guy
Kate- yeah me too
Jessica- amazing night I actually met this guy Chaz he is really pretty
Blair- laughing* haahah he is pretty trust me
Kate- what about you Blair any boys tonight?
Blair- well I made out with this guy named Justin Bieber and then my boyfriend Brian yeah
Allie- OMG this is not good, Blair you can't cheat on Brian
Kate and Jessica- don don doon
Blair- first Allie stop saying omg and I didn't cheat on Brian,  Justin is cute and all but it wouldn't last
Jessica- awww love's in the air!
Blair- girls stop it, I'm really tired
Allie- good night everyone
*everyone : goodnight *

Posting chapter 3 soon!

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