fredag 22 april 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 3

In the last chapter they sleept at Jessica's house

Kate- good morning girls!
Blair- good morning Kate
Jessica- good morning
Allie- do I have to say it
*everyone is laughing*

Jessica- let's go downstairs and eat breakfast

(At the table)

Allie- mmmm..
Kate- what do you want to do today?
Blair- go shopping?
Jessica- then catch a movie?
Allie- or we can call some boys and watch a movie here?
Kate- Allie has the best idea
Jessica- and which boys do you invite over??
Allie- I don't know
Kate- Ryan, Chaz and Justin
Jessica- if Chaz is in everything is perfect
*they laugh*
Blair- what about Brian?
Allie- don't bring him when Justin is here you know he likes you, I can tell
Blair- let me just ask how you can tell? smiles*
Allie- well when you danced yesterday he was really happy and when Brian came he had a sad face
Jessica- yeah it's true
Kate- why hide it Justin is a good guy and Brian maybe likes someone else, I saw him..
Blair- Kate what did you see Brian do?
Allie- he kissed another girl at the party yesterday
Blair- no he wouldn't do that to me
Jessica- well he did sweetheart
Blair- *sad* okay bring the guys over then!
Kate- I'm going to call them then *goes and call them* they are coming in about a half an hour
Allie- well I need to change quick!
Jessica- me too
Blair- what are we waiting for then *they go and change*

Blair's outfit:
When she's done she brushes her teeth and put on her makeup*

 *someone at the door*
 Allie- I'll take it
 opens the door*
 Allie- hey guys
 Justin- hey
 Chaz- hello is Jessica here?
 Allie- yeah she's in the living room
 Ryan- hey pretty lady what's your name
 Allie- *giggles and blushes* Allie
 Ryan- awww how cute your blushing *hugs her*
 Justin- is Blair here?
 Jessica- yes she'll be here in a moment, she's upstairs.
 Justin- okay
 *Blair comes down*
 *hugs the guys*
 Blair- what are we doing?
 Chaz- well we have a bottle here an-
 Blair- oh no
 Ryan- oh yes *smiles*
 Jessica- okay let's play it!
 Everyone sits in a circle*
 Allie- *spins the bottle and it turns to Blair*
 Kate-well this is fun!
 Allie- okay truth or dare Blair?
 Blair ugh.. dare
 Allie- you have to make out with Justin in 5 min

Justin's POV:
Is this really happening..

Blair- *sighs* alright but not in front of everyone!
Allie- you can do it in Jessica's  room *smile*
Justin- haha
Blair- *takes Justin's hand and leads him up to Jess room.
Justin- were really doing this?
Blair- I'm sorry we have to *smiles*
Justin- I'm glad to *lays in the bed*
Blair- *lays on top of him* I think I might like you
Justin- I like you more trust me
Blair- * leans in and kisses him*
Justin- *deepens it*
Blair and Justin- *making out*   5 min later *the alarm on her phone goes*
Blair- *pulls away*
Justin- *opens his eyes* no don't stop yet
Blair- *looks at him than starts making out with him again*
Justin- *pulls away slowly* I really really like you
Justin's POV:
 Did I just say that.

 Blair- I like you too *then starts kissing him again*
 Justin-you know they are waiting for us
 Blair- oh I forgot
 *they go downstairs*
 Allie- why did it take soo long?
 Justin- we made out a little to much
 Jessica- love is in the air
 Blair- haha no, now it's my turn to spin the bottle *comes on Jessica* truth or dare?
 Jessica- truth
 Blair- okay Wat's the most embarrassing thing that happened to you this week?
 Jessica- it has to be when I was home and singing and then my neighbor heard me..
 Kate- not that bad
 Ryan- no not at all * smiles*
 Chaz- go one with the game!
 Jessica- *spins the bottle*
 Ryan- oh no
 Jessica- truth or dare?
 Ryan- I'm a guy so dare
 Jessica- I dare you to take the girl you like most in this room on a date
 Ryan- you asked for it, Allie do you want to go on a date with me *smiles*
 Allie- *blushes* yeah I'd love to
 Ryan- SCORE!
Chaz- Jessica, I know this comes sudden but do you wanna go on a date?
Jessica- are you kidding I've been waiting for you to ask me!
Chaz- *smiles BIG*
Ryan- let's play the game one last time *spins the bottle comes on Allie*
Allie- dare
Ryan- okay Allie you have to lick your nose
Allie- and I'm going on a date with you *laughs*
*everyone laughing*
Allie- poor me..
*tries to lick her nose *
*they laugh even harder (:p) *

I'll upload next chapter as soon as am done writing it! don't forget to comment if you want me to change anything!

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