fredag 17 juni 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 12

In the last chapter Chris surprised Justin and Blair and they are touring together, Justin and Blair are
having an affair and Chris doesn't have a clue..

(Next day)

Blair- Chris wake up sleepy head were meeting the other downstairs at the restaurant to eat breakfeast in 15 min.
Chris- *yawns* okay I'm taking a shower
Blair- I'm already done!
Chris- *rubs his eyes then looks at Blair* when did you wake up? *laughs*
Blair- *laughs* just hurry up
Chris- okay *goes in the shower*

------------10 min later----------------
*Chris and Blair goes to the restaurant holding hands*

Blair's outfit:

Justin's POV:
we were siting in the cafe waiting for Blair and Chris.. Now they were coming, holding hands.
I don't know why I felt jealous but I knew she was mine too but we couldn't date cuz she's with Chris.
Yesterday was the BEST.

(At the table)
Blair and Chris sit down* (Blair sits across Justin and beside Chris)
Blair- hi
Everyone- hey!
Justin- *moves his foot to her*
Blair- *jumps, so the coffee spills* Oh I'm so sorry let me ge-
Pattie- honey it's fine we just call the waiter *smiles*
Justin- *laughs*
Blair- It's NOT funny *starts laughing*
*everyone burst out laughing*

Blair's POV:
well that was embarrassing but Justin moved his foot to mine and I didn't want anyone to notice so.. 

Now everyone is at the stage and Chris is working on his dance and singing on stage.

Pattie- Justin can you and Blair go and make coffee and bring some cake to everyone?
Justin- sure give us at least 10 min
Pattie- 20 and that's it *whispers: I know you like Blair but she's dating Chris"*
Justin-whatever, Blair?
Blair- yeah? *smiles*
Justin- you need to help me bring cake and coffee for the dancers and everyone
Blair- okay sure *smiles*

Justin's POV:
Finally some privacy! the hole morning I've been seeing Blair and Chris cuddling, kissing, hugging and been all lovey.

(In the backstage room)
Justin- *locks the door*
Blair- so wheres the coffee?
Justin- Blair
Blair- yes? *turns around and looks in Justin's eyes*
Justin- *looks in her eyes than grabs her waist and leans in* you know you have beautiful eyes..
Blair- oh shut up *leans in*
Justin- *kisses her* 
*making out on the couch Blair's under and Justin ontop*
Justin- *pulls away slowly* we have to get the coffee and the cake
Blair- okay let's go!
Blair- *runs out to the stage and jumps on Chris*
Chris- hey babe *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back*
Justin- *coughs* I'm sorry to interrupt but were having cake
Chris- sorry *looks at Blair, than laughs*
Blair- *laughs* Justin?
Justin- yes? *smiles*
Blair- can I talk to you for a second?
Justin- sure
Chris- I'll go ahead *walks to the others*
Justin- so?
Blair- Justin,I know it's hard to watch me with Chris but-
Justin- Blair It's fine but I still love you...
Blair- Justin I..
Justin- It's cool you don't have to say it *looks down*
Blair- Justin I love you
Justin- really?!
Blair- yes! *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back*
*camera flash*

Blair's POV:
Justin told me he loved me once again and this time I said it back. When we kissed a camera flash went of and we saw a paparazzi.. Omg this couldn't happen Chris was gonna find out and everyone is gonna think I'm a slut

Justin- *pulls away* NO what are you doing?!
paparazzi- taking pictures of you and your girlfriend *takes a picture*
paparazzi- *walks out*
Blair- Justin I'm dead!
Justin- no don't say tha-
Chris- what happen?!
Blair- a paparazzi came inside
Chris- damn it we need to get more security
Justin- we have but their having lunch break *smiles*
Chris- what were taking u so long anyways?
Blair- we just talked, now I want some cake!

*they eat cake and Blair is at the hotel room alone*
Blair's POV:
I went to my bedroom that I was sharing with Chris and started packing my stuff by tomorrow the pictures would be everywhere. And I can't stand the look on Justin and Chris face so I decided to pack and tomorrow morning when no one were up I was gonna leave and Never speak to them again including Justin.. It was for the best.
When I was done packing I choose clothes for tomorrow so I could leave faster and changed to my pajamas then I went to Justin's room and knocked..

Justin- *opens it* hey..
Blair- um can I come in? *looks down*
Justin- sure *smiles*
Blair- *sits on his bed* Justin you mean the world to me but-

Justin's POV:
I cut her of with a kiss, first she wanted to pull away but she just went with it I loved her I could never hurt her.

Justin- *pulls away slowly* Blair stop talking there is always a problem stop worrying *smiles*
Blair- I can't, I need to go but I just wanted to hug and kiss you
Justin- anytime babe *hugs her than kisses her*
Blair- *laughs, and then a tear comes down her cheek*
Justin- why are you crying did I do something wrong? *smiles*
Blair- no no no I need to go *kisses him*
Justin- *holds her and kisses back*
Blair- *tears comes down her cheek, kisses back*
Justin- *pulls away* everything is gonna be okay *smiles*
Blair- *kisses his cheek and get's up* good bye Justin *leaves*

(In the Bed with Blair and Chris)

Chris- tomorrow were going to the beach *smiles big*
Blair- um.. yea...... thats gonna be fun *fake smiles*
Chris- babe whats wrong? *looks at her*
Blair- *starts crying* look nothing Chris I'm sorry for everything I'm not worth any of this!
Chris- no no dont say that your worth this and more, why are you sorry?
Blair- tomorrow you'll know *kisses him*
Chris- *kisses back passionate* now just go to sleep and everything will be fine in the morning 

Blair's POV:
I went to sleep I were going to miss both of them but it's the best if I just leave everything besides me so I don't hurt anyone more than I'm gonna do tomorrow.


I woke up at 5 in the morning as quietly as possible changed clothes, did my makeup, brush my teeth and then I placed a note at the night table. I kissed Chris cheek, took my bags and left to the taxi that was waiting for me outside the hotel.

Blair's outfit:

( In the Taxi)

Taxi chauffeur- were to?
Blair- the airport
---- 20 min later----
Taxi chauffeur- were here, are you paying with card or cash?
Blair- cash *hands him the money than leaves*

I went in the airport and checked my flight to LA.. I thought it be nice with a change I was lucky to be rich I don't know what I would do if I weren't.
Before I got on the plane I bought a magazine so I could read something on the plane, then I got on the plane.

(With the other ones on the hotel)

Chris's POV:
I woke up.. alone. Where was Blair? I looked over and saw a note from her?
What was it?..
It stood:
Chris I'm so sorry I left, I'm probably on the airplane to another city. I hope we never met so I wouldn't have to break your heart but you'll forget me and find other girls that will make you happy.
Tell Justin I'll miss him.. ALOT. Please don't try to find me It's better like that, again I'm sorry for what your going to see and don't get mad at Justin.. It's my fault. 
I love all of you!
// Blair

I started crying.. WHAT was wrong with her, how could she leave me. I love her more than I've ever loved a girl. And what have she and Justin done that was such a big deal?! I checked the clock and it said 10.35 woah. SHIT I need to meet the others!
When I walked to the breakfeast table I saw Justin with red puffy eyes. Had he cried?

Chris- Justin what's wrong? *smiles*
Justin- Blair.. she left
Chris- *teard eye* I know, did she left a note to you too?
Justin- yea *looks down* Chris I'm so sorry it was my fault
Pattie- guys I know she left but she'll come back *smiles*
Chris- No she wont she told me to not look after her but I have to I..
Justin- you?
Chris- I love her..

Justin's POV:
When I woke up I saw a note from Blair (it said the same thing as Chris note only she wrote it to Justin and his name)
When we were sitting at the restaurant I saw Chris with red eyes too I guess he got a note too and cried.
How can she leave us.. how can she leave ME?!

Blair's POV:
When I landed in LA my friend was waiting for me or should I say roommate? I was going to live with Jasmine and yes Jasmine Villegas. She's one of my best friends besides me only having famous friends well most of them are, and Jasmine was a real friend. She was like a sister to me, we had a lot in common like both of us are 18, we like the same kind of music, guys and both of us had dated Justin Bieber.  Jasmine is over Justin now and is dating Jinsu he's really nice he's gonna be living with us but I'm gonna make sure I don't get feelings for him cuz I would never ruin something for Jasmine.

Jasmine- BLAIR! *hugs her* I've missed you!
Blair- *hugs back* I've missed you more Jas, Jinsu! *hugs him*
Jinsu- Blair it's gonna be fun you living with us *smiles*
Blair- yeah can't wait, guys thank you for letting me stay with you *smiles*
Jasmine- anytime honey, you HAVE to tell me everything about the hole Chris and Justin thing!
Jinsu- yes I saw the pictures of you kissing Justin it's everywhere
Blair- I knew it! but it's alright I'll get over it *looks down*
Jasmine- aww *hugs her* I'll find you a nice guy that ISN'T famous *laughs*
Blair- *laughs* I wanna be single for a while but nice to know I have you *smiles*
Jinsu- let's get going home *takes her bags*

oohh what is Chris gonna say when he finds out about Blair and Justin?
will Justin go after her and look for her? you'll find out in chapter 13 .

lördag 14 maj 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 11

In chapter 10 (already) their at the party and Blair told Justin that she didn't have any feelings for him anymore..

Blair- don't wanna be rude but I don't have feelings for you anymore *looks down*
Blair- um Justin? what about you?
Justin- I still you
Blair- Justin I know this is hard but I promise we'll be best friends+ that girl you came with was super cute *smiles*
Justin- *looks up, laughs* your right she is
Blair- *laughs* ok now we need to go downstairs their probably waiting
Justin- yeah your right, Blair I will never forget about you
Blair- *remembers* I cant forget about you everywhere I go your on the news 
*they laugh*
Justin- you just have to resist it, but you don't have to..
Blair- Justin it's for the best let's go downstairs *they go downstairs*

( With the girls)
Jessica- where were you?
Blair- talking with Justin
Allie- so?
Blair- I told him I don't have any feelings left
Jessica- good girl *smiles*
Allie- Miley is really nice
Blair- *laughs* I love you girls *hugs them*
Allie & Jessica- *hugs back*

(With Justin & Atran)

Justin- having fun
Atran- A lot, I think we need to go how much is it?
Justin- *looks at his phone* 12.15 pm
Atran- well let's leave
Justin- Im just saying goodbye to some people 
Atran- I'll wait here *smiles*
Justin- be right back *smiles and leaves*

Justin- Blair? *looks after her and sees her with Chris*
Blair- Justin here!
Justin- *goes over* hey Chris! *does their handshake*
Chris- how are you bro?
Justin- I'm good but I'm leaving now *smiles*
Chris- Already?
Justin- yeah, Blair I think this is good bye forever?
Blair- no don't say that I promise will meet sometime, but probably in a loooong time
Justin- your right I'll never ever forget you *hugs her tightly and kisses her cheek*
Blair- bye baby *kisses his cheek*
Justin- smiles I'll text you
Blair- sure
Chris- can I talk to you Justin when you two are done
Blair & Justin- were done *they laugh*
Chris- then let's go!
Blair- bye!
Justin- bye *hugs her again then leaves with Chris*

(With Chris & Justin)

Justin- so whats wrong bro?
Chris- ey look, can I date Blair?

Justin's POV:
oh god, this was hard really the answer was no but that would just make me seem desperate. I didn't want anyone else to kiss her, hold her, love her, have her alone..
but I think I cant stop her from dating other guys just beacuse I still loved her so I told him that it..

Justin- yeah sure *fake smile*
Chris- cool you freaked me out a while, but really she's HOT and also really nice
Justin- yeah I know used to date her
Chris- yes well guess Im the lucky guy now, ey Justin I'll see ya bye!
Justin- bye *does their handshake*

Next day, the girls slept over at Blair's

Allie- WAKE UP!
Jessica- *yawns* why?
Blair- let us sleep
Allie- NO it's 11.30 Am and Jasmine called Blair's phone so I answered and were all having lunch with some guys in 30 min so hurry up!
Blair & Jessica- 30 MIN?! GUYS?!
Allie- *laughs* yes
Jessica- ok we need to change like NOW!
*they take showers and get ready*
Blair's outfit:
Allie- everyone done?
Blair- I am
Jessica- me too

(With Justin & Atran)

Atran- whats wrong Justin, you look sad *smiles*
Justin- oh nothing thanks for asking *smiles*
Pattie- guys we have to get ready for today's concert
Justin- on our way!

Ok I'm gonna jump to like a week later. Blair is home alone and watching tv.

*phone rings*
Blair- hello
...??- hey Blair it's Chris
Blair- oh Chris how are you I miss you
Chris- me too even if it's only been a week
Blair- yeah I know
Chris- can I come over?
Blair- sure!
Chris- see ya in 5
*end of convo*
Chris- hello beautiful *smiles*
Blair- hi *blushes, smiles*

Blair's POV:
omg Im blushing this is NOT good.. but I can't hide it anymore I do like Chris..

Blair- so what do ya wanna do?
Chris- I have something I wanna ask you..
Blair- go ahead *smiles*
Chris- well I really like you and I meen more than a friend and do you wanna date me?

Is this really happening omg I think im falling for Chris..

Blair- I'd love to date you *smiles, hugs him*
Chris- *hugs back, than kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back, then pulls away*
Chris- I have a surprise for you *smiles*
Blair- and that is.. *smiles*
Chris- do you wanna travel?
Blair- with you suure!
Chris- okay were leaving tonight Im actually going on tour but we will have time for us *smiles*
Blair- okay Im just gonna pack and call the girls and my parents *laughs* I know many people
Chris- *laughs* I'll pick you up at 6 tonight *kisses her, then leaves*

Chris's POV:
I was actually really happy that she said yes. But she didn't know about that the tour was Justin's..
But when I was with her  I was totally different I think I love her...
I think I should call Justin and say that I'm bringing someone.

*phone convo*
Justin- hey?
Chris- ey Justin bro
Justin- Chris I'll see u tonight!
Chris- about that I'm bringing someone
Justin- we don't have more beds in our hotel
Chris- oh it's cool she's my girlfriend can sleep in my bed if you know what I mean
Justin- *laughs* ey getting chicks easy
Chris- not really *laughs* just a warning!
Justin- okay see u soon
Chris- peace
---*end of convo*
Blair's Outfit:
 (On the Plane)

Blair- *sleeping*
Chris- Blair wake up we land in 10 min
Blair- *yawns, and kisses his cheek*
Chris- so were leaving to the hotel to meet the crew and then of course leave our clothes and stuff and then were eating dinner and going to sleep.
Blair- am I getting my own room? *smiles*
Chris- actually were sharing *smiles* 
Blair- *gets what he means* oh you want some of Blair's magic well then you might get it *smiles*
Chris- *laughs*

(They arrive at the hotel)
Justin- Chris said he will be bringing his girlfriend 
Atran- finally a girl! *smiles*
Pattie- their here! *goes to open the door*
Chris- Pattie! *hugs her* how are you? *smiles*
Pattie- *hugs back then smiles* I'm good thank you, Blair! your here?! *hugs her*
Blair- yeah *hugs back* I didn't know we were supposed to tour with you guys *smiles*
Justin- Blair?!
Blair- hi Justin *smiles*
Atran- hi I'm Atran *smiles*
Blair- oh hey I'm Blair *smiles*
Pattie- well let's hurry up we need to get dinner!
Chris- yes Blair come on!
Blair- coming *goes to the room with Chris*

Justin's POV:
Really he was dating Blair?! no he couldn't.. I can't be jealous but she's just so hot and one of the nicest girls I know. I think I just have to let her go.. NO I can't she's special aaghh why is it supposed to be that hard??!!

Blair's POV:
Damn, Justin was sexy. Ok I have a boyfriend but what if I can't resist Justin, then I'm dead but he doesn't have to know IF something happens..

(At dinner)
Blair- mm that was good!
Chris- I liked it too *smiles*
Pattie- yum, now everyone we should go to sleep soon because tomorrow were have a lot of rehearse to do 
Scooter- yes and Chris were also singing ''look at me now'' so that's the surprise we wanted to give the fans
Chris- oh okay sure, well we should get going to our rooms *looks at Blair*
Blair- *gets what he means* oh right *gets up from the chair* thank you for dinner
Justin- wait Blair can I talk to you alone for 5 min
Blair- sure in your room?
Justin- okay, see you tomorrow everyone! *leaves with Blair & Chris*
Chris- I'll be in our room okay *smiles*
Blair- ok be there soon *kisses him*
Chris- *deepens it*
*making out*
Justin- *coughs*
Blair- *pulls away slowly* we'll finish this later *smiles*
Chris- yeah *goes in the room*

(In Justin's room)
Blair- *sits on bed*
Justin- *sits next 2 her*
*awkward silence*
Justin- um soo, your dating Chris?
Blair- yes *smiles*
1 min later*
Justin- Blair I try to forget about you but I can't, your the only thing that I can think of
Blair- um Justin I'm not gonna lie I still have feelings for you and you being hotter is not making it easy..
Justin- *laughs* aww you think I'm hot?
Blair- *looks in his eyes* yes.. but I have a boyfriend
Justin- *looks in her eyes* he doesn't have to know
Blair- his your best friend!
Justin- in this case your the most important thing in the hole world for me *still looking in her eyes* and Blair he doesn't have to know..
Blair- you want me to have an affair with you?!..
Justin- give me a chance..
Blair- *leans in*
Justin- *leans in, then kisses her gently*

Justin's POV:
I kissed her gently and she kissed back, to kiss her and hold her was the best feeling in the world.
Our kiss quickly went to a make out, I laid her down on the bed and moved my body over her, not breaking the kiss.
She pulled my shirt of and I took of my pants. I pulled of her dress and shoes. Then I put on a condom quick and went in her.
She let out a soft moan and pulled my hair.

Blair's POV:
I was cheating on Chris Brown, who would? BUT I did it with Justin Bieber. Second time having sex.
I started moaning louder then I pulled him down and we started making out. Then he went in and out a few times until we got exhausted and he laid next to me..

Justin- W-O-W
Blair- *laughs* yeah I know
Justin- *kisses her*
Blair- I need to go Chris is waiting *starts to put on her clothes*
Justin- *kisses her neck from the back* I don't want you to leave
Blair- sorry, *kisses him* look tomorrow I'll make it up to you
Justin- pinky promise? *holds out his lil finger*
Blair- pinky promise *grabs his lil finger* ok now bye *opens hotel door*
Justin- bye *smack her butt*
Blair- Justin! not here!
Justin- *laughs* sorry

(With Blair and Chris)

Chris- what took you so long?
Blair- me and Justin caught up in talking you know *smiles*
Chris- okay well let's forget about that kid an-
Blair- kid?
Chris- yeah he's only 17
Blair- I know and I'm only 18 so?
Chris- oh honey I didn't mean anything *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back*

Blair's POV:
I really liked Chris, but after what happen tonight with Justin changed EVERYTHING. I think I was falling for Justin.. Chris was removing our clothes and I didn't wanna have sex a second time at the same hour. But I couldn't say no cuz then he will now I'm up to something so I just went with it.

Blair- WAIT!
Chris- what happened?!
Blair- *burst out laughing* nothing just don't forget about a condom
Chris- SHIT! I don't have one, I promise you won't get pregnant
Blair- no, were not having sex until you get condoms
Chris- okay *sad, moves and put on his boxers*
Blair- awww *kisses him, then puts on her pajama*

*they fall asleep*

torsdag 5 maj 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 10

In chapter 9 Justin left..

Justin on the airport*

Pattie- Justin we have a girl named Atran she's 17 and she will be going with us
Justin- oh cool *sad*
Pattie- what's wrong?
Justin- um nothing
Pattie- is it Blair?
Justin- mom I miss her like hell
Pattie- try to forget about her *smiles*
Justin- impossible *thinks about last night*
Pattie- this is Atran (Katerina Graham)
Justin- *looks up*

Justin's POV:
she was cute but I would never forget about Blair

Justin- hey I'm Justin Bieber
Atran- hi of course I know who you are *smiles* I'm Atran
Justin- nice meeting you Atran *smiles and shakes her hand*

(With Blair)

*phone calls*

Blair- hello *crying*
Jessica- hey baby why are you crying?
Blair- can you come over?
Jessica- okay me and Allie are coming over now
Blair- hurry *still crying*

*they arrive*

Blair- *opens the door*
Jessica & Allie- hugs her*
Blair- come in

*they sit in living room*

Allie- what happened darling? *smiles*
Blair- well Justin left for a tour and he will be gone for a while
Jessica- awww you loved him?
Blair- with my hole heart and body...
Allie- you had?
Blair- sex?
Jessica- did you?
Blair- yeah yesterday why?
Allie- this is going to break your heart but Justin cheated on you
Blair- what, he would never do that to me..
Jessica- Chaz too, at the party
Blair- *crying harder* how could he, he used me!
Allie- well were not going to sit here and cry over someone that cheated on you
Jessica- your phone Blair! *gives her phone*

phone convo*
Blair- hello?
...?- Blair, I missed you SO much!
Blair- Jasmine?! *stops crying*
Jasmine- yes the one and only Jasmine V! *laughs*
Blair- *laughs* I missed yo so much how are you?
Jasmine- great you?
Blair- boy trouble. so what's up?
Jasmine- well there is this HUGE celebrity part in 3 weeks and your invited and also you can bring 2 friends
Blair- oh fun! I'll call you later see you!
Jasmine- bye!
Blair- bye!

*end of convo*

Allie- who was that?! *smiles*
Blair- you know Jasmine Villegas?
Jessica- yeah she amazing!
Blair- well I know her and I was invited to this HUGE celebrity party in 3 weeks and I got to invite 2 friends!
*they scream and jump*

Jessica- we need to find new outfits
Allie- I can't wait!
Blair- me too!

*Blair's phone rings again*
Alex- hey Blair!
Blair- oh Alex what's up?
Alex- I have someone you LOVE to meet
Blair- Alex I think we should be good friends
Alex- Blair is not about that I have someone here that wants to meet you
Blair- okay can you come over and the person that would love to meet me?
Alex- on our way!

*end of convo*

Allie- what now, new party? *they laugh*
Blair- no Alex he's bringing someone that I would love to meet
Jessica- and who's that? *smiles*
Blair- I'm not sure...

10 min later, doorbell*

Blair- *opens* AHHH OMG I LOVE YOU
...??- aww thank you
Alex- well this is Chris Brown
Chris- nice meeting you *smiles*
Blair- *shocked* come in 
*they come in*
Allie- a..r.e y.ou Ch..ri..s Br..o..wn? *voice shaking*
Chris- yepp nice meeting you?
Allie- Allie *smiles*
Jessica- hey AAH CRHIS BROWN!
Chris- hey ladies, who are Blair?
Blair- me *smiles*

Chris's POV:
wow she was one of the hottest girl I've seen, she looked kinda familiar...
I was starring at her she must think I'm crazy but then again she loved me I smiled for myself.

Chris- are you Blair Hamilton?
Blair- yeah why? *smiles*
Chris- I know your dad he's owner for the hotels Hamilton right? *looking in her eyes and smiling*
Blair- yes, are you coming to the big celebrity part in 3 weeks?
Chris- yeah actually you too?
Blair- yes I got invited so bringing the girls *smiles*
*they are looking at each other*
Alex- *jealous* ey Chris we should be leaving
Chris- yeah, hey Blair my number *gives her his number* see you at the party

Blair's POV:
this couldn't be true, the one and only Chris Brown were in my house giving me his number. He was looking in my eyes and then they had to leave, he kissed my cheek and hugged the others then both of them went to the limo waiting outside. 

(With the girls)
Jessica- omg Chris brown just gave you his number
Allie- and kissed your cheek and he was looking at you like he just wanted to take you and leave
Blair- what? *they all laughed*
Jessica- okay now about Justin
Blair- I just forgot about him *sigh* what about him?
Allie- we need to change you *looks at Jessica then at me smiling*
Blair- oh no *they laugh*
Jessica- you need to be a player, a heart breaker, a bitch, a-
Blair- I get it
Allie- and we need to start today *smiles*
Blair- why?
Jessica- your not the only one that is changing us two, so our goal today is to at least make out with 3 boys
*they laugh*
Blair- oh you were serious *laughs again* whatever you say but can we go to the mall and look for outfits?
Allie & Jessica- Great idea!

(With Chris & Alex)
Alex- so what did you think of Blair?
Chris- sexy chick *laughs*
Alex- well everyone thinks that *smiles back* even Bieber boy
Chris- Justin, are they dating?
Alex- were..
Chris- oh okay wouldn't guess why everyone think she's hot, Justin is a good friend of mine would never do it to him if they were dating now
Alex- well they aren't
Chris- cool *smiles*

(With Justin @the plane)
Atran- hey Justin can I sit next to you *smiles*
Justin- yeah sure
Atran- what's wrong you look sad
Justin- oh nothing
Atran- have you heard of the big party in 3 weeks?
Justin- the celebrity party?
Atran- yeah wanna go? *smiles*
Justin- sure *smiles*

Ok it's been 3 weeks and the party is tonight, Blair is a huge player and forgot about Justin and her's past. Ryan, Chaz, and Justin are best friends again. Atran and Justin are best friends and both of them are going to the party. Justin still thinks about Blair they haven't talked since he left, and Blair doesn't have feelings for Justin anymore.

(With Blair, Jessica & Allie)

Blair- girls hurry up!
Allie- I'm just going to do my makeup
Jessica- done soon!
Blair- Jasmine called 10 min!

Blair's outfit:

Jessica & Allie's outfits:

(Allie is the brunette and Jessica's the blond one)

Blair- girls the limo is waiting
Jessica- LIMO?
Allie- how did you get it?
Blair- maybe cuz my dad is rich? duh

(In the limo with Jasmine)
Jasmine- BLAIR!
Blair- JAS! *hugs her and kisses cheek*
Jasmine- I've missed you bff *Jasmine & Blair laughs*
Blair- me too
Jasmine- hi girls I'm Jasmine
Allie- yeah heard about *looks at Blair, they laugh*
Jessica- love u!
Jasmine- aw thank you *smiles*

Jasmine's POV:
Jessica was ugly, I knew Blair was popular with the boys but Blair was the nicest person ever!

(At the party)
Jasmine- Jessica & Allie don't freak out if you see a celebrity cuz all of them are or most of them
Jessica & Allie- right
Blair- let's get in!
Miley (Cyrus)- hey Jasmine *hugs her* Blair?!
Blair- Miley haven't seen you in a long time *hugs her*
Miley- *hugs back* missed you, and these two girls are?
Jessica- Jessica, huge fan!
Allie- Allie *smiles*
Miley- oh okay

Chris- Blair! *kisses her cheek* how are you?
Blair- I'm good u?
Chris- better when you are here *smiles*
Blair- aww
Chris- wanna dance??
Blair- sure

Blair's POV:
we went on the dance floor and I could feel eyes on me. Chris went behind me and I started grinding on him, I was grinding on CHRIS BROWN! 

Chris- your a good dancer!

I heard him say behind me in my ear

Justin's POV:
Me and Atran arrived to the party and said hi to people then we went to the dance floor...
that's when I saw Blair, Blair Hamilton grinding on Chris Brown.
No it couldn't be Blair, but it was. I missed her I wished that I was Chris in that moment, that when they started making out while dancing...

Blair's POV:
I heard people whistling and screaming at us.

Blair- *pulls away slowly*
Chris- *looks at her*
Blair- I'm going to Miley, but promise I'll see you again?
Chris- wouldn't let you go *he smiled and kissed me*
Blair- *kisses back*
Chris- *pulls away* I'm a let you go now *laughs*
Blair- thank you *laughs*

Justin's POV:
It hurt me so bad seeing her kissing other guys but having Atran here made me felt safe...
We went to Miley.

Miley- hey Bieber how are you?
Justin- good you?
Miley- haha great! and who are you? *smiles to Atran*
Atran- I'm Atran *smiles* not used to all this
Miley- yeah but your one of us now, if you want to we can hang out some day *smiles*

Miley's POV:
this girl Atran seemed so nice, and she was pretty. Blair was going hardcore tonight so I'm sticking with Atran tonight, gotta take it easy.

Atran- I'd love to here is my number *gives her number to Miley*
Miley- thanks I'll make sure to call you *laughs*
Atran- *laughs* hope so *smiles*
Justin- don't wanna dance?
Miley- not after Chris and Blair they made the dance floor rock! *laughs*
Justin- yeah I used to date her
Miley- really she didn't tell me she knew you
Justin- well she didn't tell me she knew you *they laugh*
Miley- well she's making out over there *points at them*
Justin- who's that guy with her?
Miley- I think it's Taylor Lautner
Justin- I'm gonna talk to her

*goes over*
Justin- *pulls her away from Taylor* Blair!?
Taylor- ey man what r you doing?
Blair- Justin?!
Justin- I've missed you soo much *hugs her*
Blair- mm *doesn't hug back*
Justin- what is it? *smiles*
Taylor- you know we were kinda busy *smiles*
Justin- sorry to bother you, but I need to talk to you Blair *smiles*
Blair- Justin not now I'm busy *looks at Taylor and smiles*
Taylor- see
Justin- Blair *looks at her*
Blair- I'm coming Justin, ey Taylor take my number
Taylor- wouldn't want to forget that *smiles, and takes her number*
Justin- Blair hurry *takes her hand and goes upstairs*

(With Justin and Blair)
Justin- Blair how are you?
Blair- I'm good *ignoring him*
Justin- Blair what is it?
Blair- *quiet*
Justin- BLAIR?!

Justin's POV:
Why weren't she responding, she was hotter tho. I've missed her with my hole heart the only thing I could think about was that I love her.. I just wanted to be with her all the time I lost my virginity to her, she's special to me.

Blair's POV:
I sat there quiet I couldn't even look him straight in the eyes, I knew I would cry and that wasn't the ''new'' me.. but I knew for sure I wasn't going back to someone that cheated on me plus he left and didn't call back.

Justin- Blair please say something I've missed you.. *looks down*
Blair- *looks up at him* Justin, what do you wan't
Justin- I wanna know what's wrong you've changed this is not you making out with guys you don't even now. you know what those girls are called, sluts...  *thinks of what he said*

Blair's POV:
What?! he didn't just call me..  OMG now I couldn't stand him anymore, I took a breath ready to scream..


Justin's POV:
W O W, she knew about that. I regret calling her a slut, what have I done...

Justin- Blair please I'm sorry for calling you a slut and on you..
Blair- *laughing hard, then stops* NO your not getting me back that easy, why did you cheat on me I'm not pretty enough. Or was it because I CAN'T FUCK GOOD?! 
Justin- no Blair stop please, I l..o..v.e y.ou
Blair- cut the bullshit of, I'm leaving
Justin- no don't leave, why have you changed? *looks in her eyes*
Blair- cuz I don't get HURT and CHEATED on anymore *looks in his eyes, cold*
Justin- Blair it was just a kiss nothing more and it was at a party
Blair- just a kiss? *half smiles*
Justin- yes I promise I would never cheat on you and she was the on who kissed me *smiles*
Blair- oh Justin sorry for not listening *hugs him*
Justin- *hugs back* sorry for not calling didn't have time and my mom told me to forget about you cuz I was freaking out the first week.
Blair- *laughs* aww it's okay
Justin- does this mean were back
Blair- don't wanna be rude but I don't have feelings for you anymore *looks down*


What is going to happen? What is Justin going to say?

söndag 1 maj 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 9

In last chapter 8 Jessica and Chaz broke up and they found out that Chaz and Justin cheated on Jessica and Blair (Blair doesn't know yet).  Justin is leaving tomorrow for his world tour.

(With Justin)

*Justin's phone rings*
Jasmine- hi?
Justin- oh hey sorry cuz I didn't call today
Jasmine- yeah no it's cool, so still wanna meet?
Justin- look I did a mistake sorry but I don't wanna have anything to do with you again sorry  

*end of convo*

*Justin goes to Blair*

Blair- how much is it?
Justin- 10.30 pm
Blair- well I'm going to get ready for bed, are you going home to bring your stuff?
Justin- yeah I'll hurry give me 15 min
Blair- sure, see ya soon *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back and leaves*

Blair's POV:
This was out last night together, I wanted to do something special...

Blair's Outfit: (That's her by the way :P)

Justin's POV:
I went home to bring my stuff and packing the last things

Pattie- Justin where are you going?
Justin- I'm sleeping at Blair's house
Pattie- Justin were leaving tomorrow
Justin- I know, so you can just pick me up and then we leave. I already packed
Pattie- well then okay Justin do you like this girl Blair?
Justin- like her? it's more like I love her
Pattie- don't forget to use condom then
Justin- MOM!?
Pattie- what, it's the last night before you leave and you love her so-
Justin- I'm leaving NOW! bye mom
Pattie- see u tomorrow

Justin's POV:
well that was awkward..

*Blair puts on a coat so he doesn't see what's she's wearing*
Justin- hey *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back*
Justin- why are you wearing a coat inside?
Blair- should I take it off? *smiles*
Justin- yes *smiles*
Blair- okay *takes it off*

Justin's POV:
WOW she was haaaawt...

Justin- W O W is all I have to say *smiles*
Blair- well second time today hearing that *laughs*
Justin- *kisses her* wait second time?
Blair- oh nothing
Justin- no tell me *serious*
Blair- I was with Alex and he said wow to my outfit that I was wearing
Justin- *jealous* oh okay *smiles*
Blair- baby it's all about us tonight *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back, deepens it*
Blair- *pulls away* let's go upstairs *takes his hand*
Justin- hey I'm just taking a shower and brushing my teeth
Blair- I'll be here *smiles*

Justin's POV:
I went in shower and brushed my teeth, then I put on a condom and then my clothes..

Justin- *comes out* I love you *kisses her*
Blair- I love you too *kisses back*
Justin- *lays on top* you sure?
Blair- I'm sure
*they make out*

Blair's POV:
everything just happened so quick, we threw off our clothes. He went in, I moaned. There was so much love in it. It wasn't my first time, but it felt soooo much better than the first time.  I could see that Justin was enjoying it as much as I did. This was our last night together and I knew I was going to miss him. 

Justin's POV:
This was by far the best sex I had ever had, and doing it with the best girl in the world it was just making it even better then best! we were exhausted so we fell to sleep.

(in the morning)
Blair wakes up*
Blair- *yawns*
Justin- good morning beautiful
Blair- I loved yesterday
Justin- me too, I'm going to miss you so much
Blair- aww me too, I'm taking a shower
Justin- can I come with you *smiles*
Blair- no, you've got enough yesterday *laughs*

*Blair showers and changes to this*

Justin- that was quick
Blair- I know but I still have to straighten my hair and do my makeup
Justin- you don't need that junk to be pretty or hot
Blair- *sits on bed next 2 Justin* Justin I love you
Justin- I love you too *kissing her*
Blair- *kisses back, pulls away* you better get ready if your leaving
Justin- yeah your right *goes take a shower & changes clothes*
Blair- *Justin's phone calls, Blair answers*

*Phone convo*

Blair- hello?
Pattie- oh you must be Blair, I'm Justin's mom Pattie
Blair- oh hi, he's in the shower
Pattie- are you two dating?
Blair- um it's complicated, since he's going today we thought it was better to break up after this cuz 1 year without meeting other people is impossible. I really want to meet you tho
Pattie- yes your right, I'd love to meet you too, can you tell Justin were on our way to pick him up just so he knows
Blair- yes of course, do you know where I live
Pattie- yes Justin told me, well then we will be there in a minute, bye
Blair- bye

*end of convo*

*Justin comes out*
Justin- who was that?
Blair- your mom, there on their way here
Justin- oh okay *takes his stuff, and they go downstairs*

*at the door*
Blair- so I guess this is when we say goodbye
Justin- I don't want to *looks down*
Blair- hey it will be fine *takes up his chin and kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back, making out*
Blair- (2min later) *pulls away* you have to go their waiting
Justin- I don't want this feeling to end *gets tearful*
Blair- *starts crying a little bit* Justin you'll find a girl like me on the road, I promise
Justin- *shaky voice*  I will never find one like you, Blair Hamilton I love you
Blair- Justin Drew Bieber I love you more, you should go now *opens the door*
Justin- *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back* bye Justin
Justin- *goes to the car and watches her from the car window*
Blair- *crying and waves bye*
Justin- *does a heart*
Blair- *goes inside*

Blair's POV:
I went in crying I didn't want to break us apart, but he'll find someone better than me.

Justin's POV:
I saw her cry from the car, it hurt me so much to see her cry. I was going to miss her so much, but I bet she'll find someone, everyone thinks she's hot..


Follow me on twitter @Alwaysblovd :)


fredag 29 april 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 8

In the last chapter Blair & Justin are cheating on each other.. Are they going to break up?

(In her bedroom)

Blair- we need to talk..
Justin- about??
Blair- us
Justin- what about us, i love us
Blair- When I was with Alex he told me that your going to forget about me when you tour and not have time for me...
Justin- honey first I would never EVER forget about you an-
Blair- I... Love you but I don't wanna be heartbroken when you are touring living your dream while I'm here not allowed to fall in love with other guys
Justin- are you in love with somebody?
Blair- ... I'm sorry but it's for the best *almost starts crying*
we can be friends...
Justin- best friends? *smiles*
Blair- bff's *smiles and hugs him*
Justin- let's go downstairs

(With the others)
Alex- where were you? *smiles*

Justin's POV:
uh now I see why she broke up with me, cuz of Alex. I love Blair I never wanna leave her but I can't force her to be with me...

Blair- well everyone, me and Justin broke up...
Justin- *looking down*
Jessica- awww guys you were the best couple ever
Chaz- you mean we ARE the best couple
Jessica- not the time Chaz..
Allie- why baby? *hugs Blair*
Blair- rather not talk about it, but guys I was the one to break up...
*everyone+ Alex)- WHAT?!
 Blair- were BEST friends right Justin? *smiles*
 Justin- yeah of course *looks sad*
 Jessica- okay that's good
 Allie- we should watch a movie!
 Ryan & Chaz- and popcorn!
 Blair- yes, you guys do that and I'm a sit here
 *they laugh*
 Alex- *sits next to Blair* you okay? *smiles*

 Blair's POV:
 why did he had to be SO PERFECT!

 Blair- I'm fine thanks *they look at each other*
 Alex- *leans in*
*they others come in*
Justin- already over me? *goes out*
Blair- Justin, wait! *runs after*
Alex- I think I should go, tell Blair I'll call her tomorrow *leaves*
Ryan- um to muuch drama for me see ya tomorrow *kisses Allie and hugs the others then leaves*
Chaz- Ryan WAIT! *kisses Jessica fast then runs after Ryan*
Jessica- well this was awkward 
Allie- yeah let's leave her alone *they go home*

(With Blair & Justin)
Justin- so you wanna break my heart!?
Blair- no, I still love you
Justin- well it doesn't seem like that
Blair- I do *leans in kisses him passionately*
Justin- *kisses back* let's go inside and talk
Blair- yeah *takes his hand, they go inside*
Justin- where is everyone?
Blair- I think they left
Justin- do you like Alex?
Blair- well if I didn't then I wouldn't make out with him
Justin- you already have? *sad*
Blair- yes, Justin we have to learn that we can't date anymore...
Justin- I got that part but just let me have you tonight and then we can split but I want you just for tonight
Blair- okay but just for tonight *smiles*
Justin- *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back*
*making out*

5 min later*
Blair- *pulls away* you could do this all day *laughs*
Justin- only with you *smiles*
Blair- oh shut up *laughs*
*Justin's phone rings*

phone convo:
Justin- hello?
Jasmine- hey sexii
Justin- can I call you tomorrow
Jasmine- I miss you, meet me tonight!
Justin- I can't tonight
Jasmine- I have a special gift for you
Justin- I'll call you tomorrow bye *

---End of convo-------

Blair- who was it??
Justin- no one special *smiles*
Blair- okay

*they have fun the hole night*
Justin- I need to go now it's getting late
Blair- well I'm going to miss you
Justin- miss u already
Blair- aww stop it, no jealousy if someone wants to date someone else okay *smiles*
Justin- yeah I know *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back, pulls away* bye see ya
Justin- *leaves*
(Next Day)

*phone convo*
Scooter- hey Justin?
Justin- yeah Scooter?
Scooter-  I have GREAT news, were going on world tour!
Justin- really that's amazing, when are we leaving
Scooter- well that's kinda the problem, tomorrow night so you have to say goodbye to all of your friends.
Justin- oh yeah, but okay I'll pack see ya tomorrow
Scooter- Alright bye
 *end of convo*

Justin- MOM! *runs downstairs*
Pattie- Justin, what's wrong? *confused*
Justin- were going on world tour leaving tomorrow night!
Pattie- Justin I know, he called me first you have to pack
Justin- yes and say goodbye to all of my friends *looks down*
Pattie- I know that's the hardest part but you'll see them soon *smiles*
Justin- guess so

 (With Blair)

 *phone convo*
 ...??- hello Blair
 Blair- Alex?
 Alex- yeah how are you?
 Blair- I'm good thanks!
Alex- wanna hang out today?
Blair- I always wanna hang with you
Alex- okay I'm picking you up in 30 min?
Blair- sure see ya soon
Alex- bye

*end of convo*

 Blair's POV:
I didn't wanna date anyone yet, I just broke up with Justin. I can't date yet Alex yet, even if I'm... in love with him...

Blair's outfit:

I threw on some makeup and straightened my hair.

 Alex- hey
 Blair- hey boy *kisses cheek*
 Alex- well you look w o w *smiles*
 Blair- oh stop it *hits him playful*
 Alex- where do wanna go?
 Blair-let's go down to the beach
 Alex- good choose *smiles*
 Blair- I know *laughs*
 Alex- tell me your favorite artist
 Blair- guy or girl?
 Alex- *laughs* both ?
 Blair- okay Chris Brown and my friend Jasmine Villegas.
 Alex- you know her??
 Blair- well we met at this diner party and then we met the day after and hung out but I haven't met her for a pretty long time, haha why you asking?
 Alex- *laughs* just wondering *smiles*

 (With Justin, Ryan, Chaz, Jessica and & Allie)

 Justin- *calling Blair for the 8th time* why don't she answer on her damn phone?!
 Jessica- how should we know?
 Ryan- why did you two even brake up if you both still love each other?
 Chaz- right that's just stupid, or did she find out you cheated on her?
 Allie & Jessica- WHAT!?
 Ryan- you said whaaat?!
Justin- SMART ASS!
 Allie- Is it true Justin?
 Justin- yes, bu-
 Jessica- omg your so fake
 Ryan- that's just sad
 Justin- Chaz should I tell Jessica or you?
 Chaz- SHUT UP
 Ryan- okay guys over the line hey Justin have fun on you tour *looks at him*
*they leave*
  Chaz- are you STUPID?!
  Justin- your kidding right?!  look I've think I've done too much already bye Chaz *leaves*

(With Blair & Alex)

Blair- I'm going home I'm really tired
Alex- okay I'll see you tomorrow?
Blair- I think I'm meeting the girls but I'll text you bye *kisses him*
Alex- bye *kisses back*

*when Blair comes home*

Blair's POV:
woah already miss Justin I'm call him...
where's my phone I think I forgot it here
*find her phone*
8 missed calls from Justin
*calling Justin*

Justin- hello?
Blair- Justin it's Blair!
Justin- ohh how are you?
Blair- I never thought I say this but I miss you SO much
Justin- awww me too can we met and talk now?
Blair- yeah sure you can come over
Justin- coming bye babe
Blair- *laughs* bye'

*doorbell, Justin comes in*

 Justin- hey shawty *hugs her than kisses her*
 Blair- I miss u
 Justin- well you broke up with me *smiles*
 Blair- yeah I know but I still can never live without you
 Justin- aww *hugs her*
 Blair- why in a hurry?
 Justin- I kinda need to talk to you about a thing
 Blair- go on
 Justin- Scooter called me and I'm going on tour
 Blair- soo happy for you how long is it?
Justin- yeah that's the thing it's a world tour so 1 year maybe


Justin's POV:
her eyes, her lips, her smile, her face, her body I'm going to miss everything about her...

Blair's POV:
no he couldn't leave me I need him, but Alex ugh why does everything have to be complicated!
That's why I broke up with him, I can't live without him. But he probably forget me.. That's when I broke the silence

Blair- when are you leaving?
Justin- um *thinking: this was going to break her heart even more, what if she founds out that I cheated on her* tomorrow night
Blair- *looks down, gets tearful* Justin I-
Justin- shh let's make the best of it, I already packed so I can stay the night
Blair- I'd love to
Justin- *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back and deepens it*
*making out*

20min later*
Blair- *pulls away*
Justin- I just wanna say your a great kisser
Blair- I know *they laugh*

What is Blair going to think when she founds out he cheated on her?
Are they ever going to meet again?

onsdag 27 april 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 7

In chapter 6 Justin and Chaz cheated on Jessica and Blair.
Blair got drunk and met this nice guy Alex who helped her and they kissed, Justin seemed pretty upset about it...

(With Jessica, Chaz, Justin and Blair)
Chaz- Is she drunk?
Justin- yeah
Jessica- we should get home now
Blair- NO I wanna stay here forever!
Justin- okay let's get home now

(At Blair's place)

Chaz- me and Jess are going to sleep in the guest room
Justin- I'll take her upstairs
Chaz & Jessica- *sleeping*

(With Blair & Justin)

Justin- Blair you have to put on your pajamas
Blair- *takes of her clothes, only wearing bra and panties*
Justin- put on your pajamas
Blair- no I don't want to, I'm tired
Justin- okay *they sleep*

In the morning

Jessica- good morning guys
Justin- morning
Chaz- good morning *kisses her cheek*
Jessica- where is Blair, Justin?
Justin- sleeping
Chaz- well she got pretty drunk yesterday..

(With Blair)

Blair's POV:
OUCH, my head. what happened to me?! Oh the party I got drunk. I really don't remember what happened to me, hope I didn't do anything stupid...

Blair- *goes downstairs* good morning, mmm it smells good
Jessica- um Blair your only wearing a bra and panties
Blair -*looks at her body* oops *goes upstairs and puts on a lose tank top* better?
Jessica- yeah
Justin- hey baby *kisses her*
Blair- what happened yesterday?
Justin- besides you getting drunk and making out with a guy nothing
Blair- oops again, Justin sorry didn't know
Justin- no problem
(they eat*)

Chaz- I need to go 
Jessica- why?
Chaz- meeting someone
Jessica- who *smiles*
Chaz- oh a friend
Jessica- okay
Chaz- *kisses her* bye
Jessica- bye
Blair & Justin- byee
Chaz- *leaves
Jessica- I think I'm leaving now too
Blair- why honey?
Jessica- meeting Allie
Blair- okay bye *hugs her*
Jessica- *leaves*
Justin- what are you doing today?
Blair- well for now just going to the mall and then nothing
Justin- I have a interview today about an hour so I can come with you to the mall
Blair- shore, I'm just getting ready
Justin- yeah me too

Blair's outfit:

Justin- first time your actually wearing cute clothes *smiles*
Blair- what I'm not always cute?
Justin- well pretty much your HOT 
Blair- *laughs* awww thanks babe *kisses him*
*they get in Blair's car and drives to the shopping mall*
*Blair buy's some clothes*
Justin- well I need to go to the interview
Blair- right, I don't wanna leave you
Justin- I'll see ya tonight
...?- BLAIR! *screaming*
Justin & Blair- *turns around*

Justin's POV:
oh no, the last one we needed was Alex...

*Alex comes running to them*
Alex- Blair how are you?

Blair's POV:
Damn, he was hawwt

Blair- hey do I know you? *smiles*
Alex- I don't think you remember, I was the guy that you made out with and helped you yesterday at the party *smiles*
Blair- *thinking: good choose*  oh I yes Justin told me about that
Alex- Justin?
Justin- hey, I'm Justin Bieber... Blair's boyfriend *smiles*
Alex- oh your that famous boy
Justin- yes
Alex- okay but Blair we should hang out sometime? *smiles*
Blair- yes of course can I have your number?
Alex- yes *the give each other numbers*
Justin- *jealous*
Blair- um Alex if you have time now Justin is going to a interview we can do something? *smiles and looks at Justin*
Alex- sure *smiles*
Justin- okay Blair see ya tonight *sees she and Alex looking right in there each others eye*
Blair- yeah bye *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses her than leaves*

Justin's POV:
They flirted like hell, what was I supposed to do? I had to leave cuz my interview I'm just going to hope nothing happens...

(With Blair & Alex)
Blair- so what do you wanna do?
Alex- whatever makes you happy *smiles*

Blair's POV:
he was sooooo cute, he flirted like I never knew+ the way he looked was just stunning...
OMG what am I thinking I love Justin..

Blair- well we can sit down by a coffee and talk and get to know each other *smiles*
Alex- yeah great idea *smiles*

*they sit and talk, laugh for a couple of hours*
Alex- well let's go and watch a movie?
Blair- I'd love to

(With Justin)

*the interview is done and they are backstage*
..?- hi, Justin!
Justin- oh hey Jasmine right?
Jasmine- yes, we met yesterday
Justin- hey look that kiss, I h
Jasmine- about that *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back & they start making out*
Jasmine- *pulls away* look call me tomorrow *smiles than leaves*

Justin's POV:
what was I thinking, second time making out with her..

(With Blair and Alex)
*after the movie and it's 5*

Blair- omg, I had so much fun today
Alex- yeah me too, we definitely have to do it aging
Blair- yees, you wanna hang with us tonight at my place?
Alex- sure, cutie *smiles*
Blair- awww *they drive to Blair's home*

Blair- let's cook something, I'm hungry
Alex- okay, what should we cook?
Blair- chicken rice??
Alex- I think I love you
*they laugh, they cook, eat and now they sit on the couch watching tv*

Alex- I'm so happy we met
Blair- YES *they look in each others eyes*
Alex- *leans in*
Blair- *leans in and kisses him slowly*
Alex- *deepens it*
*making out*
Alex- *on top of Blair, still making out*
Blair- *pulls of his clothes*
Alex- *pulls of her clothes*
Blair- *pulls away* look Alex I really really like you A LOT, but what about Justin?
Alex- *still on top of her* you know soon he's going have to break up with you cuz the fans and travelling... he's not going to have much time for you that you deserve *smiles*

Blair's POV:
I knew he was right I was just scared of the truth, Alex was nice, cute, HOT, caring, fun pretty much everything I love in a guy...  NO I couldn't do this

Blair- look *get's up and puts on her clothes* I need to break up with Justin first, It's the first time me actually met and were already wanting to have sex..
Alex- right but whatever you choose I'll wait for you and be there for you *smiles*
Blair- ahhh, your just SO cute!
Alex- aww thank you *puts on his clothes*
Blair- I'm calling Justin, Allie, Jessica, Ryan, Chaz to come over
Alex- sure I'll be here
Blair- *kisses him*
Alex- *deepens it* (deepens it'' is pretty much make out)
Blair- *pulls away* be right back *calls the others*

10 min later they are at the door*

Blair- *opens door* hey guys *hugs them*
Justin- no kiss? *smiles*
Blair- of course baby *kisses him*
Jessica- hi who are you? *smiles*
Blair- oh yeah, um everyone this is Alex met him yesterday *smiles*
*everyone*- hi! *they start talking with him
Justin- *pulls away Blair's from the others* can we talk private?
Blair- of course let's go to my room *smiles*


What do you think is going to happen?  are they going to break up?
I'll upload chapter 8 as soon as possible!

måndag 25 april 2011

Don't Make Me Love You- Chapter 6

In chapter 5 Brian told Blair he still loves her but she doesn't love him anymore cuz Blair has started to get strong feelings for Justin....

Blair- *comes in* hey guys about Brian.. he still loves me and I have feelings for someone else
Jessica- honey it's okay
Allie- who is this ''someone else''? *smiles*
Blair- well I'm not going to lie, *looks at Justin* It's Justin
Chaz- ohhhhhhh
Justin- *goes to her* I have more feelings for you
Blair- *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back* will you be my girlfriend? *smiles*
Blair- *laughs* yes but.. can we just not tell Brian?
Justin- why, you like him?
Blair- no but he do
Justin- right..
Allie- well happy ending.. I need to go, my mum just called me were going to my grandparents
Ryan- I have to go too, wait *kisses her*
Allie- *blushes* okay come then
Blair- did someone ask?
Allie- shut up
Blair- I'm just kidding *hugs her and smiles*
Jessica- bye guys
Justin & Chaz- see ya!
Allie & Ryan- *leaves*
Blair- someone more that needs to go soon?
Jessica- no, it's only 7 and..
Blair- ...there is a party at 8
Jessica- YES, were going? *looks at the guys*
Chaz- shore
Blair- Justin feel like sleeping over? 
Justin- I'd love to.. I just have to ask my mum, cuz were going on an interview tomorrow
Blair- no problem, *smiles* what about you guys?
Jessica- yeah my parents aren't home.
Chaz- Blair were are your parents? *smiles*
Blair- well because I'm 18 and I rich parents so I live here alone but we have family dinners every
Saturday and-                  
Justin- my girlfriend is 1 year older than me *smiles to Chaz*                   
Blair- Is it okay?                                                                           
Justin- YEAH, if I let you go Brian will take you...
Blair- awwww baby don't worry I'm yours for now
Justin- for now? you mean for ever? *smiles*
Blair- *laughs*
Jessica- well lovebirds we need to get ready the party starts in about an hour
Chaz- can I shower here?
Blair- shore I have two showers, 
Chaz- alright *goes take a shower*
Jessica- I'll take the other one *leaves*
Justin- soo were here alone
Blair- no I need to choose clothes for the party, you can watch tv while Chaz or Jessica is done
Chaz- *comes out* the shower is available *smiles*
Justin- okay *goes takes a shower*
Jessica- Blair wait I need to borrow some party clothes
Blair- shore *I throwed her a random dress*
Jessica- thanks

Blair's outfit:

Jessica's outfit:

Justin- wooow sexii with leather, high heels and stuff
Jessica- why didn't you tell me you were going to be sexy *smiles*
Chaz- Jess your gorgeous
Blair- thanks guys and Chaz it's my dress *smiles*
Chaz- does it matter it still looks gorgeous on her
Jessica- thank you Chaz and Blair it looks better on me *laughs and hugs her*
Justin- let's go, oh wait... I cant fans are going to kill me
Blair- were taking my car
Justin- okay I'm starting to think you have more money than me
Blair- trust me I don't
Chaz- whatever can we just leave
Jessica- Chaz can you drive?
Chaz- yeah why?
Blair- you don't wanna now *smiles*
*they leave to the party*
Blair- me and Jessica are going to dance
Chaz- okay
Jessica- bye see you around

(With Chaz and Justin)
Chaz- there is soo many HOT girls here
Justin- I have a girlfriend you know you have one too
Chaz- they don't have to know
Justin- you mean cheating?
Chaz- shhh there coming some pretty girls..
girl1- hey boys what's your names?
Chaz- my name is Chaz
girl2- and you? *looks at Justin*
Justin- I'm Justin
girl1- omg your Justin Bieber?!
Justin- yeah...
girl3- take it easy
Chaz- and your names?
girl1- Emma
girl2- Jasmine (not jasmine villegas, just so you now)
girl3- Britney
*Jasmine and Britney pulls Justin in the middle*

Justin's POV:
They are really hot but I can't do this to Blair, I... love her.
But she will never know?

Jasmine- so Justin Bieber *takes her hand under his shirt
Britney- do you like the party? *smiles*
Justin- yeah
Britney- Jasmine look I need to go to the bathroom and meet up with Sandra, you can take Justin to V.I.P room
Jasmine- sure *takes his hand and goes to the V.I.P room
Justin- woooo this is cool, are we alone here?
Jasmine- yeah it's nice without music
Justin- right *sits on the couch*
Jasmine- *sits next to him, looks at him*

Justin's POV:
her eyes were beautiful,

Justin- so what do you wanna do?
Jasmine- this *kisses him*
Justin- *kisses back
Jasmine- *deepens it*
Justin- *pulls away* I need to go but take my number
Jasmine- okay *he gives her his number*
Justin- bye *kisses her cheek*
Jasmine- bye bye


Justin- *sees Chaz making out with Emma* hey dude we gotta check the girls!
Chaz- *pulls away* which girls?
Justin- your girlfriend JESSICA if you remember her?!
Chaz- oh right well bye Emma nice meeting you *kisses her*
Justin- CHAZ!? *pulls him away*
Chaz- what is wrong with you?
Justin- you made out with a random girl and you have a girlfriend...
Chaz- you too!
Justin- I regret it! *serious*
Chaz- okay but the girls are having fun without us *looks Jessica dancing*

( With the girls)
Jessica- Blair I'm going to Chaz
 Blair- *drunk* whatever  *keeps dancing*

Jessica- okay *goes to the guys*
Chaz- hey baby, your drunk?
Jessica- no just tasted some of Blair's drink
Justin- where is she?
Jessica- um... with some friends
Justin- okay let's get something to drink
Chaz- sure

(With Blair)

Blair-*sits down and drinks her drink*
..??- hey miss pretty
Blair- hi, what's your name?
...?- my name is Alex
Blair- well hi Alex *smiles*
Alex- your name?
Blair- I'm Blair
Alex- your drunk, let me help you *takes her hand and holds her by the waist*
Blair- thank you *sits next to him at the bar*
Alex- do you want water?
Blair- *laughs*
Blair- you said water!? *laughs*

(With the others)
Ryan- Isn't that Blair with some guy?
Jessica- um yeah.??
Justin- I'm going to see what's up with her wait here *leaves*

(Blair, Alex and Justin)

Alex- *looking at her* Blair your beautiful
Blair- awww thanks *looks deep in his eyes*
Alex- *kisses her*
Blair- *kisses back*
Justin- Blair?!
Blair- *pulls away* oh Justin how are you long time ago
Alex- she's drunk *smiles*
Justin- I can see that *takes Blair's hand & goes to the others*

Is Justin jealous because his girlfriend made out with Alex?
Will Jessica and Blair ever know that Chaz and Justin made out with some girls and they weren't drunk?